Teen Camp
Look, we get it - we can practically see your teens eyes rolling from here. A day camp?? For a 16 year old?? Come. On.
AND, hear us out. This is a space where your child(ren) get to meet and spend intentional time with 30-60 other trans and non binary teens. Most teen campers leave with new best friends and all spend the week engaged in fun (no, seriously!) activities both on and off campus.
The teen program serves youth ages 12-17 and are often broken up into a group of 12-13 year olds and 14-17, though this can depend on both interest and maturity level.
Activities vary city to city - but you can expect to engage in the arts, exploration of local parks, museums, picnics and even pool days. These really become "trans take-overs;" Now we're 50 trans teens at a baseball game. Now, we're 50 trans teens getting Boba. You get the idea.
Camp Indigo teens participate in off-campus pride events that occur during the camp day. Also, gear up for an on-campus trans prom!
We take a day to explore the murals of the Mission district and picnic in Dolores Park, a historically queer part of San Francisco
Music & Poetry
We bring in professionals to lead writing workshops that get deep into both identity and relationships. Teens even have an opportunity to perform!
Pool Party
Pools and beaches tend to be a point of stress for trans folks, but not here! There is nothing better than getting to swim and play exactly as you are.
"We have been struggling this whole past year with social anxiety and during the last week and this week of camp it seems to magically have disappeared, he is talking to people he usually doesn’t talk to in our world and is so happy and confident. It’s truly a side we’ve never seen of him and it just brings home the message that he needs to have trans affirming community, in addition to our family. I know you already know this, but this camp is truly amazing and life-changing!"