Sonya Renee Taylor is a New York Times best-selling author, world-renowned activist and thought leader on racial justice, body liberation and transformational change, international award winning artist, the founder of The Body Is Not an Apology (TBINAA), an outstanding podcaster, a dear friend, and just pure magic of a human being.
Andrew: Sonya, I’ve been thinking a lot about how our activist selves change over the decades. How has your response to injustice evolved in the last 30 years?
Sonya: The younger version of me was so afraid of being afraid. So afraid to feel real feelings and let in complexity. Everything felt very black and white back then. This is wrong and you fight it until it’s not wrong anymore. And then fatigue happened. I got tired. [I thought] I cannot have been put on this Earth to fight until I die. I don't want that path. So what is easier than fighting endlessly? Building the thing I say I want. Creation is easier than fighting and way more enjoyable.
Andrew: So what have you learned? What actually works when it comes to creation?
Sonya: Love actually works. When I take the most loving action - that’s what works. And it’s not from a self sacrificial place; It includes me as a recipient of the benefit. Have I gotten it wrong? Messed up? Of course! But I’ve also learned and grown from it, and [I come at myself and others with] lots of grace and compassion. Oppression was created by someone else's imagination. Live in your own imagination and create and collect the evidence for the life you want.
Andrew: And that takes action and community!
Sonya: Yes! We keep waiting for liberation to be a thing we are delivered into. It’s an internal practice that once practiced well enough becomes an external action.
You have to practice joy. On the buffet of life there is trash. There is sadness and sorrow and grief and inequity and oppression. All are on the buffet. You can decide to only dine at that end of the table or you can make your way to the other side - and pick up joy and pleasure and delight and community. You have to decide.
Andrew: What about those who feel stuck or powerless?
Sonya: If you decide that power is something that’s given to you you’ll always be at the whim [of the giver]. Power is self-determined. It’s the ability to say I know who I am regardless of what you say or take. Think - what's your definition of freedom? If your definition requires government action then you will never be free.
Andrew: And the external validation of that comes from community?
Sonya: Absolutely, it has to be sourced. It’s the one you make, it’s not handed to you. And if you don’t have the mobility to go to the other side of the buffet, then look around and see who has that peace and joy and empowerment on their plate and be vulnerable and ask for some.
Andrew: Any final thoughts?
Sonya: The good stuff is life too. Make life a story of collecting evidence for good.
To learn more about Sonya’s work and her efforts at collecting the evidence that life is happening on purpose you can visit her website at sonyareneetaylor.com